
Insurance for your responsibilities

Regardless of the activities carried out, any company can be exposed to incidents that may involve its liability, whether they are caused by your property, your employees, but also by your products or services provided.

The consequences of such events may be limited, but they could also, in some cases, jeopardize the survival of the company that is found to be responsible for the damage.

In this area as well, we firmly believe in the added value of prevention by taking out insurance for your responsibilities. We accompany you in the drafting of your contracts and assist you in defending your interests in the event of a dispute.

Operating liability

When you perform services for third parties, it is unfortunately possible that your employee causes damage to them or to parties not involved in the business relationship. This can result in material and/or physical damage, the costs of which could be significant. Regardless of the activity performed (intellectual or manual), no one is safe from causing an accident to a third party.
Taking out a business liability insurance policy covering material, bodily and immaterial damages allows you to protect your company from claims made against it.

After-sales or product liability

The product liability insurance covers the contractual and extra-contractual liability of your company for damages caused to third parties by your products after their delivery or by your services after their execution. It is the chronological continuation of the operational liability insurance.
The coverages you need in your policy are highly dependent on your business and your customers. AVESTA Insurance & Risk Solutions will assist you in your risk analysis to establish the most effective insurance program for your organization.

Contamination insurance and recall

The number of product recalls is constantly increasing. In the event of a public recall, it is imperative that the company concerned acts quickly and appropriately so that its reputation is preserved.
The product recall guarantee compensates all the costs related to the withdrawal of goods that you would be obliged to carry out following the occurrence of an identical defect on the same range.

Product contamination insurance also protects you against:
- Product recall fees;
- Costs of decontamination, storage, destruction or consultant fees;
- Reimbursement of production costs, lost profits and unrealized profits related to a drop in sales;
- Advertising costs to recover your image;
- A preventive consultation service if desired.

Environmental liability insurance

Respect for the environment is a major issue in our time. All companies are trying to reduce their environmental footprint as much as possible. Unfortunately, zero risk does not exist.
Whether it's gradual pollution or a sudden accident, the financial consequences can be significant for your company. Operating or fire liability coverage may not be sufficient to cover the entire risk. This is why AVESTA offers you a total solution to cover the majority of the costs and risks incurred, in addition to any other policies and coverage gaps: Environmental Liability.

Professional liability

This guarantee covers your responsibility for errors and omissions that you and your collaborators could commit during your intellectual services.
Some professions are subject to specific coverage requirements.
Whatever your business, AVESTA Insurance & Risk Solutions analyzes the coverage that is appropriate for the risks you face and advises you so you can focus on growing your business.

A specific request?

Our team of experts is at your service to advise you.